Vocabulary Word Test
Here's a really quick way of testing if you've learned the meanings of the words in this section. Look at the word definitions below and see if you can remember what each word is from their definitions.
If you get stuck, you can be shown the mnemonic to reveal an image that should help you remember.
To check if you're right, or remind you if you've forgotten, click the question and it will flip to reveal the answer.
Go through the whole list to see how many words you can recall. Revisit any that you had difficulty remembering until you're confident you can recall all of them.
- 901-920
- 921-940
- 941-960
- 961-980
- 981-1000
- 1001-1020
- 1021-1040
- 1041-1060
- 1061-1080
- 1081-1100
- 1101-1120
- 1121-1140
- 1141-1160
- 1161-1180
- 1181-1200
A daily report of the activities and public engagements of the royal family members
Court Circular
1. A sudden, violent and illegal seizure of power from a government. 2. Achievement of something difficult
To do something but behave as if you are descending from a superior position to do it
Work together on a matter of mutual concern, or as a link between people or organisations
A thing made up of a number of different parts ; big corporation formed by merger of several companies.
Element placed at the start of a word to adjust or qualify its meaning; word, letter or number placed before another; add something at the beginning
A letter or several letters added to the end of a word to make a new word, e.g. clue, clueless