Cameo – 1. A small part, performed by a distinguished actor. 2. Item of jewellery, often a brooch, with a portrait in profile carved in relief on a background of a different colour
(Pronounced kam-ee-oh)
To remember the definition of the word cameo, use the following mnemonic:
The camera operator recorded the audition on a small video (cameo) for although the part was small, she was a famous actor. The famous actor held a small profile carving in relief on a brooch and talked to it as if she were in love.
Examples of cameo in a sentence (small part played by distinguished actor)
Danny De Vito had a cameo roll in the sit com Friends.
It was only a small part, but the retired actress was more than happy to get a cameo in the new show.
I make all my money from cameo's rather than big gigs now.
Examples of cameo in a sentence (small part played by distinguished actor)
When my grandfather went to fight in the war, he took a cameo of my grandmother to remember her by.
The cameo was the oldest of its kind worth around a million dollars.
The intricate cameo was carved by hand under a magnifying glass.