Mammoth Memory

Chaff – 1. The husks of corn or other seeds 2. Worthless things; rubbish

(Pronounced chaff)

To remember the definition of the word chaff, use the following mnemonic:

The Chaffinch (chaff) eats the husks of corn and other worthless rubbish.

The Chaffinch (chaff) eats the husks of corn and other worthless rubbish.

Examples of chaff in a sentence (The husks of corn or other seeds)

They had to separate the chaff from the seeds.

He took out the bags filled with chaff to the bin.

Chaff covered the floor of the bakery.


Examples of chaff in a sentence (Worthless things; rubbish)

The students room was filled with chaff.

Her mum thought her daughters collection was chaff.

The hoarder collected chaff like empty crisp packets.

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