Conservative – Tending not to like change. 2. Politically, favouring low taxation and low government involvement in industry. 3. A conservative estimate is an estimate that is purposely low for the sake of caution
(Pronounced kuhn-sur-vuh-tiv)
To remember the definition of the word conservative, use the following mnemonic:
In the conservatory there lives (conservative) a tax officer who is small (to remind you of low/small taxes) and he is standing watering his plants with his pockets hanging out, so he has no change (to remind you that conservative don't like change). Someone is outside looking at estimates for a conservatory extension. The lowest estimate has won (to remind you that a conservative estimate is a low one).
Examples of conservative in a sentence (not liking change)
Old people are generally more conservative than younger people.
Grandma was conservative about being put into a care home, it was very different from her own house.
You shouldn't be so conservative, change can be good.
Examples of conservative in a sentence (political)
The man next door was a member of the Conservative Party.
I am a conservative and I can't understand why anyone would vote for anyone else.
He said he's a conservative, but he's trying to raise taxes every month!
Examples of conservative in a sentence (low estimate)
The estimate we received for new windows was quite conservative.
I was being conservative with that estimate, the price will probably be higher.
He said the jump was 5ft wide, he's definitely being conservative with that estimation, it's a huge gap!