Mammoth Memory

Nadir – 1. The lowest or least successful point in a situation 2. Lowest point reached by a heavenly body, or the point directly below an observer

(Pronounced nay-deer)

To remember the definition of the word nadir, use the following mnemonic:

"Nay dear (Nadir)," she said, "you can only kiss my lowest point - my feet." 

"Nay dear (Nadir)," she said, "you can only kiss my lowest point - my feet."

Examples of nadir in a sentence (the lowest point in a situation)

Losing all of his money, including his life savings, to his gambling addiction was the nadir of his financial situation. 

The nadir of her career was when the CEO caught her stealing from the stock room. 

They thought they'd reached the nadir of their dreadful journey when their car broke down, but things only got worse from there. 

Examples of nadir in a sentence (lowest point reached by a heavenly body)

The nadir is directly opposite the zenith. 

The force of gravity pulls an object towards the nadir of that location.

They could no longer see the satellite as it had reached the nadir of it's orbit.

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