Peer – 1. A person of similar age, status or ability, equal
2. A member of nobility
(Pronounced peer)
To remember the definition of the word peer, use the following mnemonic:
He peered (peer) at a person who was identical to himself. Everything was equal. What was strange was that next to him was a member of the nobility staring out too but there was no one there.
Examples of peer in a sentence (equal)
It was proven that peer tutoring is the most productive and cost-effective form of teaching.
Ask a peer who sits close to you in class to check your essay for mistakes before you turn it in.
Her engaging personality made her popular with her peers.
Examples of peer in a sentence (member of the nobility)
The new peer was nervous as he took his seat for the first time in the House of Lords.
The peer's proper title was First Duke of Marlborough.
He became a peer of the realm upon the death of his father.