Mammoth Memory

Peruse – to read thoroughly or to scan/browse

(Pronounced puh-rooz)

To remember the definition of the word peruse, use the following mnemonic:

The puppies and the kangaroos (peruse) visited the library. The puppies just browsed while the kangaroos read the books thoroughly.

The puppies and the kangaroos (peruse) visited the library. The puppies just browsed while the kangaroos read the books thoroughly.

Another way of remembering peruse is:

Peru's (peruse) llamas can all be found reading carefully and thoroughly.

Peru's (peruse) llamas can all be found reading carefully and thoroughly.

Examples of peruse in a sentence

I perused the book to find my favourite chapter to read to my classmates.

Peruse the library and become familiar with relevant books to your studies.

I can sit and peruse a book for so long I lose track of time.