Mammoth Memory

Anabolic Steroids – Artificially produced male hormones that promote muscle growth and reduce recovery time

(Pronounced an-uh-bol-ik steh-royds)

To remember what anabolic steroids are use the following mnemonic:

Constant weight-lifting and a diabolical overuse of steroids (anabolic steroids) produced a muscular man who recovered quickly

Constant weight-lifting and a diabolical overuse of steroids (anabolic steroids) produced a muscular man who recovered quickly

Anabolic steroids are illegal in all competitive sports due to their performance-enhancing effects, and athletes are regularly tested to ensure they comply with the rules.

Note: Both men and women who take steroids can suffer from heart attacks, strokes, liver damage and kidney damage or failure. Anabolic steroids are prohibited in all competitive sports and if caught can lead to a life time ban from competitions. 


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