Mammoth Memory

Genetic variation – DNA differences

Differences in the genes of individuals of the same species that can be passed onto the next generation.

Text to remember that genetic variation is the variation of DNA

You should already know that genes are segments of DNA, and that the genome contains all the chromosomes and thus DNA.


Mutations produce genetic variation in organisms by creating new alleles.


Male and female genetics are made by genetic variation

Genetic variation within the genome creates differences. Such genetic differences are what produce males and females in mammals like lions and humans.

 Black and white peppered moths are made by genetic variation

It also produces the different coloured markings of the peppered moth.

Genetic variation in the form of individuals who suffer from disease such as sickle cell

It can also produce variation in the form of individuals who suffer from diseases such as sickle cell anaemia or those who carry only one of the sickle cell alleles and therefore have resistance to malaria.