Examples of binomial names
Examples of binomial names include:
Domestic cat (Felis catus)
Imagine a cat feeling a cactus (Felis catus).
Therefore the domestic cat is Felis catus.
Human (Homo sapiens)
Therefore, humans are Homo sapiens.
Rubber plant (Ficus elastica)
Ficus is pronounced fy-cuss
Imagine a group of fighters with elastic bands (ficus elastica) on their faces, inviting people to “come and fight us” at the rubber plant where they work.
Therefore the rubber plant is called Ficus elastica (rubber plant)
Common daisy (Bellis perennis)
Imagine a daisy flower made of bells. Each bell is perennially (bellis perennis) ringing (ringing forever).
Therefore the common daisy is Bellis perennis.