Mammoth Memory


Mitosis is cell division which produces two identical cells used for growth and repair.

Starts with one human cell containing 46 chromosomes

Ends up with 

2 cells each containing 46 chromosomes


When growth or replacement cells are required for the body, mitosis occurs.

Mitosis starts with a cell. This is a normal cell (called a diploid cell) containing 46 chromosomes.

See the 46 chromosomes

46 chromosomes contained within a human cell

The chromosomes copy themselves and remain attached to the original.

See the paired chromosomes

46 paired chromosomes

Below is an enlarged version of what the real paired chromosomes look like under a microscope. 

Mitosis is when the cells divide creating a direct copy for growth and maintenance

All these chromosomes then line themselves up.

See 46 paired chromosomes lined up

46 paired chromosomes lined up

They then split down the middle to form a duplicate of each other as the cell divides.

See divided cell

Cell splits into two, each with 46 chromosomes.
2 cells each containing 46 chromosomes

Simplified, mitosis in a nucleus with just four chromosomes would be as follows:

Mitosis produces 2 identical cells

Mitosis produces two identical cells.