Remembering meiosis and mitosis
Meiosis (pronounced “my-oh-siss”) is the process by which gametes (sex cells) are generated for reproduction. Mitosis, on the other hand, is the process by which new cells are produced for growth and replacement.
Meiosis is in the ovaries
Mitosis is in the toesies
This statement helps you to remember that meiosis is about reproduction and mitosis occurs in growth.
During meiosis, eggs (gametes) are produced in the ovaries of a female animal or the female part of a plant (ovule). In addition, sperm is produced in a male animal or pollen on the anther of a plant are generated.
Meiosis produces sperm in the testes Meiosis produces eggs in the ovaries
In plants, meiosis produces pollen grains in the anthers and egg cells within the ovary.
Meiosis vs. mitosis
Below is another way to remember what meiosis is:
Meiosis makes egg in ovaries, sperm in scrotum
Therefore, mitosis is the other form of production of new cells (which is by cell division).