Generalists – live in many habitats
Generalists are organisms with adaptations that enable them to survive in a range of different habitats.
The general listed (generalist) the many places (many habitats) he had lived in.
Generalists include humans, foxes, raccoons and cockroaches. They are usually omnivores which enables them to take advantage of whatever food source is available in a certain habitat. Humans’ large brains and intelligence have enabled them to use tools to create clothing suitable for many different climates and source food all around the world.
Most generalists such as cockroaches can tolerate a wide range of temperatures which enables them to survive in many different environments.
As generalists foxes can be found in many different habitats from cold arctic conditions to forests and deserts.
Generalists like raccoons are often better able to take advantage of urban environments created by humans. Raccoons are omnivores that eat a very varied diet from fish and crayfish they catch in streams to plant material or scavenged meat. They also have opposable thumbs and a similar hand structure to humans which has enabled them to take advantage of bins containing human food waste in urban environments.