Mammoth Memory

Reactions with steam: how you remember

Ask yourself: “What can a metal in the reactivity series possibly produce with steam?”

“What can K, Li or Mg + H2O produce?”


Table showing metal and water react to produce hydroxide and hydrogen
Table showing metal and water react to produce oxide and hydrogen


Wow, it’s that easy!


Let's say that cold water does not separate all the hydrogen from oxygen.

Let’s also say that steam separates all the hydrogen from the oxygen, so:

Cold water + Reacting metal <metal> hydroxide + Hydrogen
        <metal> OH + H2




Steam + Reacting metal <metal> oxide + Hydrogen
        <metal> O + H2


Example 1

Water + Magnesium Magnesium hydroxide + Hydrogen
2H2O + Mg Mg(OH)2 + H2    


Example 2

Steam + Magnesium Magnesium oxide + Hydrogen
H2O + Mg MgO + H2