Kings and Queens in Order
If you want to learn the Kings and Queens of Britain in order you must:
First learn Stage 1 where you connect each King or Queen to a simple word and then connect that word to an accession date using the Major Numbering System:
Example 1
William I = Wet
Connect wet to choo choo (66)
(William I became king in 1066 (forget the first 1000))
Example 2
William II = Wine
Connect wine to fog (87)
(William II became king in 1087 (forget the first 1000))
Example 3
Henry I = Hat
Connect hat to daises (100)
(Henry I became king in 1100 (forget the first 1000))
But now, stage 2, connect each King and Queen with the order of the Kings and Queens by number:
(Note: You must learn the first 42 numbers of the Major Numbering System and be able to recite them easily. (It really isn't difficult).)
1 = Tie to William I = Hat to 66 = Choo choo (train).
2 = Noah to William II = wine to 87 = Fog.
3 = Ma to Henry I = Hat to 100 = Daises.
Examples follow of all the Kings and Queens of Britain:
If you count from 1 to 44 you should be able to remember all the Kings and Queens of Britain in order.