Mammoth Memory

Maximum and Target Heart Rate Overview

1. The maximum heart rate all age groups can achieve is displayed in the chart below.

In other words, the chart below shows:

The maximum age - related heart rate.

(Note: This is also maximal heart rate).


Maximal heart rate is defined as the highest heart rate achieved during a maximum effort graded exercise test, and is characterised by a plateau in heart rate despite any increase in load. 

2. The target heart rate or zone within which your heart rate should be aimed and maintained at during exercise is shown as a percentage of the maximum (or maximal) heart rate.

2. The target heart rate or zone within which your heart rate should be aimed and maintained at during exercise is shown as a percentage of the maximum (or maximal) heart rate.

2. The target heart rate or zone within which your heart rate should be aimed and maintained at during exercise is shown as a percentage of the maximum (or maximal) heart rate.

To remember the meaning of maximum (or maximal) age related heart rate and target zone heart rate please see the mnemonics on the following pages.