Mammoth Memory

Synovial Joints – An area of the body where articulation occurs

(Pronounced sai-noh-vee-uhl)

Note: Articulation is a joint at which something is hinged.

To remember what a synovial joint is, use the following mnemonic:

The sign over the entrance was all (synovial) broken. An articulated lorry had hit it. 

The sign over the entrance was all (synovial) broken. An articulated lorry had hit it

The human body has three main types of joints, immovable, slightly moveable and freely moveable.

The freely moveable joints are known as synovial joints and allow us to perform skills and techniques during physical activity. 

Synovial joints have joint cavities containing lubrication/fluid which allows the joint to move smoothly. The ends of the synovial joints are covered with cartilage, which cushions the bone and prevents friction and wear between the bone ends. Ligaments, muscles and tendons hold articulating bones together. 

synovial joint diagram

There are six types of synovial joints in the human body: Plane, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle and ball and socket. The following pages will teach you using mnemonics how to remember what they are and where in the body they are located.