Blood pressure
When you have your blood pressure taken it will be given as one number over another. The first number is the systolic blood pressure, which is the pressure produced when the ventricles of your heart are contracting. The systolic pressure is when your blood is at its maximum pressure. The second number is your diastolic blood pressure, which is the pressure of the blood when your heart's ventricles are relaxing. The diastolic blood pressure is the lowest pressure the blood in your arteries reaches.
Blood pressure can be taken on the arm as follows:
Diastole and systole are measured in units of mercury (mmHg).
On a blood pressure monitor the bottom number indicates the pulse rate.
This chart shows blood pressures and their relation to human health. High blood pressure (hypertension) can lead to life threatening health conditions including heart disease and strokes, while low blood pressure can cause blurred vision, weakness and confusion. An ideal healthy blood pressure for an adult is 120/80 mmHg.