Highest common factor (HCF)
We know Highest = Biggest number
Common = Anything the same
Factor = Take a number apart using ladders
Common ground - Is there anything the same?
So logically
Highest common factor are:
Example 1
What is the highest common factor of the numbers 12 and 30?
Highest common factor = i. Take apart using ladders
ii. What have they in common
iii. Choose the biggest number
i. Take apart using ladders
ii. What they have in common
are 2, 3 and 6.
iii. The biggest number is 6.
The highest common factor of 12 and 30 is 6.
Example 2
What is the highest common factor of the numbers 12 and 15?
Highest common factor = i. Take apart using ladders
ii. What have they in common
iii. Choose the biggest number
i. Take apart using ladders
ii. What they have in common
only 3.
iii. This makes 3 the biggest number too.
The highest common factor of 12 and 15 is 3.
Example 3
What is the highest common factor of the numbers 60 and 72?
Highest common factor = i. Take apart using ladders
ii. What have they in common
iii. Choose the biggest number
i. Take apart using ladders
ii. What they have in common is
2, 3, 6 and 12.
iii. The biggest number is 12.
The highest common factor of 60 and 72 is 12.
Example 4
What is the highest common factor of the numbers 36, 54 and 72?
Highest common factor = i. Take apart using ladders
ii. What have they in common
iii. Choose the biggest number
i. Take apart using ladders
ii. What they have in common is
2, 3, 6, 9 and 18.
iii. The biggest number is 18.
The highest common factor of 36, 54 and 72 is 18.