Practical examples
Examples of numbers 0-999 Number to a noun Converting word examples History of the Major system Practical examples Remember numbers that start with zeros Examples of numbers 00-099
Example 1
Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Think of Christopher Columbus arriving in America with his boats. Each boat was wrapped in a beautiful pink ribbon (ribbon = 492).
NOTE: Ignore the 1 as you know the date has to start with a 1.
Example 2
You can also use the first letter of each word to help you remember.
The Spanish Armada was destroyed in 1588.
Large Fleet Failed (LFF = 588) – Spanish Armada destroyed in 1588.
Again, ignore the 1 as you know the date has to start with a 1.
Example 3
The world’s first stamp used in a public postal system was the Penny Black in 1840.
Some thought the Queen’s hair looked a bit frizzy on the first stamp.
Take the word frizzy = FRZZ (ignore the “i” as it is a vowel, and the “y” as it is one of the other letters (W, H, Y and X) that have no effect.
The double ZZ is treated as one Z, so:
FRZ = 840.
We can assume there is a 1 in front of this.
Therefore: The first stamp was in 1840.
Example 4
Man first set foot on the moon in 1969.
We landed on the moon and found a chip.
Chip = 69.
We know that the moon landing was in the 1900s.
Therefore the moon landing was in 1969.
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