Mammoth Memory

Concentric – Shorten, and referring to movement up towards the sky

(Pronounced kon-sen-trik)

To remember what concentric means use the following mnemonic:

Concentrating is not an easy trick (concentric) when you are staring at the shorts of ten (shorten) gorgeous men. 

Concentrating is not an easy trick (concentric) when you are staring at the shorts of ten (shorten) gorgeous men

And to remember it's up:

Relate the first letter of concentric to

C = Look up to the Clouds

C = Up

In Summary 

Concentric = Shorten

Concentric = Up 

Concentric would be shortening of a muscle and is usually associated with a movement upwards. 

An example of a concentric contraction would be moving a dumbbell up to the body. Up being the memorable word.

Example: Lifting a dumbbell in a bicep curl

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