Mammoth Memory

Isotonic Contraction 

From the earlier mnemonics we can see that:

Iso - Constant 

Tonic - Movement

Contraction - Tension


From this we can understand that:

Isotonic contraction = constant movement while the muscles are in tension, or:

Isotonic Contraction - Muscle contraction that results in limb movement


There are two types of isotonic contraction

A. Concentric contraction - Shortening of the muscle and the muscle in tension (a shortening of the muscles)

B. Eccentric contraction - Lengthening of the muscle and the muscle in tension (a lengthening of the muscles)


1. Isotonic contractions occur when you: 

Move a dumbbell in a bicep curl upwards and downwards.

Move a dumbbell in a bicep curl upwards and downwards


2. Completing a full squat downwards and back up is an example of an isotonic contraction. 

 Completing a full squat downwards and back up is an example of an isotonic contraction

3. A press up is an example of an isotonic contraction. 

A press up is an example of an isotonic contraction



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