Mammoth Memory

Respiration - Spira - Spir - Pir 

Wherever you see respiration or the following part words of respiration 'spira', 'spiro', 'pira' in sports science, it means breathing. 

Respiration - Breathing

(In biology, respiration means using glucose to produce energy for muscles to move or for plant cells to grow.)

To remember what respiration means, use the following mnemonic:

In resting after perspiring at the gym station (respiration) there is only one thing to do catch your breath (breathing (sports science)) and replenish the lost energy with a glucose energy drink (using glucose to make energy (biology)). 

 In resting after perspiring at the gym station (respiration) there is only one thing to do catch your breath (breathing) and replenish the lost energy with a glucose energy drink (using glucose to make energy (biology))


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