Mammoth Memory

Spirometer Trace – A graph which measures the amount of air inhaled and exhaled by the lungs/ lung volumes

(Pronounced spih-rom-ih-tuh trace)

We know that

1. Spiro = Breathing

2. And a meter (like a gas or electric meter) - Monitors usage.

And a meter (like a gas or electric meter) - Monitors usage

3. We know that if you trace out an object you get an indication of what it looks like. 

We know that if you trace out an object you get an indication of what it looks like

So if we combine 

Spiro Meter Trace

We get breathing, monitors, record. 

In other words spirometer is a device that monitors and records breathing.

In other words spirometer is a device that monitors and records breathing

A spirometer trace is a graph that shows the volume of air inhaled and exhaled over a period of time during a spirometer test.

Different lung measurements are taken during this test including tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume and expiratory reserve volume. 

The next pages will show you what a typical spirometer trace looks like and mnemonics to remember the different measurements taken. 

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