Mammoth Memory

VO_2 Max – The maximum amount of oxygen your body uses while exercising as hard as you can

(Pronounced vee-oh-too max)

The way to remember the meaning of VO_2 Max is to consider the following:

VO is the start of volume

O_2 everyone knows is oxygen

Max is the start of Maximum

So, VO_2 Max = volume, oxygen, maximum


VO_2 Max is the maximum volume of oxygen your body uses (while exercising as hard as you can).

 Max is the maximum volume of oxygen your body uses (while exercising as hard as you can).

To find your VO_2 Max you would need to visit a special centre/testing lab. You'll put a mask over your face that captures the amount of oxygen in your breath. While wearing the mask, you'll run on a treadmill as intensely as possible.

The higher the individual's VO_2 Max, the better aerobic fitness they have.

There are two types of VO_2 Max:

Absolute VO_2 Max. Your absolute VO_2 Max is simply the amount of oxygen you breathe in litres per minute.

Relative VO_2 Max. Relative VO_2 Max measures the amount of oxygen you breathe per kilogram of bodyweight. 


1/  David weighs 100kg and has a VO_2 Max of 4000ml/min

Therefore David's relativeVO_2\text{ Max}=\frac{4000}{100}\text{ = 40ml/kg/min}

2/  Sarah weighs 57kg and has a VO_2 Max of 2500ml/min

Therefore Sarah's relative VO_2\text{ Max}=\frac{2500}{75}\text{ = 44ml/kg/min}

Conclusion: Sarah is aerobically fitter than David and can sustain intense cardiovascular exercise for longer.

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