After the tubule
We’ve now reached the end of the tubule. The filtrate has now become urine – just waste material and excess water – which must continue its journey through to eventual expulsion from the body.
Calyx (pronounced kay-lix)
From the collecting ducts, the urine goes to the calyx, a meeting point of ducts serving many nephrons.
Not only have the hen and the ducks been drinking heavily, they have also been eating cake, and have cake all around their lips (calyx).
Renal pelvis
The urine then enters the renal pelvis, the meeting point of all the kidney’s calyces (plural of calyx).
The hen and ducks decided to get someone to entertain them – they got The King, Elvis the Pelvis (renal pelvis), a tribute act.
The urine then enters the ureter, a tube that goes from the renal pelvis to the bladder, where the urine is held until it is released from the body through urination.
The hen and ducks noticed that Elvis the Pelvis’s teeth had seen better days. One of the ducks shouts: “Hey, Elvis, you need to get your eaters (ureters) fixed.”
The bladder is where urine is stored until it is released – what we refer to as urination.
Elvis the Pelvis has been eating too much and has grown fat. He needs to exercise by climbing up and down a big ladder (bladder).
During urination, the urine passes from the bladder along the urethra and out of the body.
Elvis the Pelvis fears that if he doesn’t exercise enough, he’ll soon be receiving a wreath (urethra).