Kidneys clean the blood (there are two kidneys)
The kid’s knees (kidneys) need cleaning up of blood (clean the blood). Both knees need cleaning (two kidneys).
Kids have two knees, which helps you remember that you have two kidneys.
Renal – relating to the kidneys
A nurse has just had her fingers re-nailed (renal) when she notices the kid needs (kidneys) help.
Kidneys control salt and water levels
The nurse uses salt and water to clean up the kid’s knees (kidneys).
Kidneys remove urea from the blood
The nurse tells the boy: “I’ll also have to clean your ear (urea) because it’s been cut in the fall as well.”
Kidneys produce hormones
The kid had cut his knees when he fell off his horse. The horse moans (hormones) about any jump she has to complete.