Mammoth Memory

Customer Service – The assistance and advice provided by a company to people who buy or use its products or services

To remember what customer service means use the following mnemonic:

The customer had to service (customer service) his own car. The mechanic provided no advice or assistance.

The customer had to service (customer service) his own car. The mechanic provided no advice or assistance.

Customer service is the support that business offers to a customer before, during and after they buy or use its products or services. It can include answering questions, resolving problems and providing feedback. Good customer service is essential for businesses of all sizes. It can help to:

  • Increase customer satisfaction: When customers have a positive experience with a business, they are more likely to do business with them again in the future.
  • Reduce churn: Churn is the rate at which customers stop doing business with a company. Good customer service can help to reduce churn by resolving problems quickly and efficiently.
  • Generate positive word-of-mouth: When customers have positive experiences with a business, they are more likely to tell their family and friends about it. This can lead to new customers and increased sales.

There are many different aspects of customer service, but some of the most important include:

  • Communication: Customers need to be able to communicate with a business easily and efficiently. This means having multiple channels of communication available, such as phone, email, live chat, social media, and in person.
  • Problem solving: When customers have a problem, they need to be able to get it resolved quickly and efficiently. Businesses should have a process in place for handling customer problems and should make sure that their customer service representatives are trained to resolve problems effectively.
  • Empathy: Customer service representatives should be able to empathize with customers and understand their needs. This means being able to listen to customers’ concerns and trying to see things from their perspective.
  • Proactiveness: Customer service should be provided proactively; this means reaching out to customers to see if they need help and that they enjoyed the process of buying from them.

It’s important that customer service is very consistent in its quality. One bad experience will always stay with a consumer despite countless good experiences.

Examples of great customer service (It’s all about being NICE!)

  • Remembering someone’s regular order or drink as a bar worker/waiter.
  • If a customer is looking for a product, walk them to it instead of saying which aisle it’s in.
  • If a customer has bought a heavy product, help them carry it to their car.
  • If you are changing the battery of a watch, take time to brush the dust out of the strap and polish the watch.
  • If you are bus driver and you can see someone running for the stop, kindly wait.

There are many more examples where being nice allows you to do more for the customer without it costing more money. The benefit is a great reputation and more sales.  



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