Mammoth Memory

Function of X

`f(x)` means function of `x`.

Which means "Do stuff" to `x`.

f in an equation simply means do something to x



What stuff you do and what `x`  is, massively changes what happens.


`f(x)`                     means do stuff to `x`.

`f(x)=x+4`             means the stuff you do to `x`  is add `4`.

`f(2)`                     means do stuff to `x` when `x=2`.



In maths the`f` can be a `g`  or an `h`  or any letter. (Really? Yes really)


Example 1

Given `f(x)=3x+2`  find `f(2)`

This is solved as follows:

`f(x)=3x+2`  means the "Stuff" you do to `x` is multiply it by `3`  and then add `2`.

`f(2)`  means "Do stuff" to `x`  when `x=2`.


So   `f(x)=3x+2`





Example 2

Given `f(x)=x+4`  find `f(3)`

This is solved as follows:

`f(x)=x+4`  means the "Stuff" you do to `x` is add `4`.

`f(3)`  means "Do stuff" to `x`  when `x=3`.


So   `f(x)=x+4`




Example 3

Given `f(x)=3x-1`  find `f(-2)`

This is solved as follows:

`f(x)=3x-1`  means the "Stuff" you do to `x` is multiply it by `3`  and then subtract `1`.

`f(-2)`  means "Do stuff" to `x`  when `x=-2`.


So   `f(x)=3x-1`






This type of question can be phrased by giving the answer first, see below:


Example 4

If `f(x)=15-4x`  calculate the value of `x`  when `f(x)=35`.


This just says that 










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