Roman numerals greater than 1000
The rule for Roman numerals is that you cannot use more than three of the same symbol in a row. We know now that the way to remember the symbols is by remembering:
'I Value Xylophones Like Cows Do Milk'.
`I=1`, `V=5`, `X=10`, `L=50`, `C=100`, `D=500`, `M=1000`
But 4000 would then = `MMMM` and you can't have more than three of the same symbol in a row.
The Romans got over this by putting a dash over any symbol to represent 1000 times the value of that symbol.
(Also note that Romans sometimes used an `M` and sometimes `bar I` but they mean the same thing).
`I` = 1
`V` = 5
`X` = 10
`L` = 50
`C` = 100
`D` = 500
`M` = 1000
`bar I` = 1000 x 1 = 1000
`bar V` = 1000 x 5 = 5,000
`bar X` = 1000 x 10 = 10,000
`bar L` = 1000 x 50 = 50,000
`bar C` = 1000 x 100 = 100,000
`bar D` = 1000 x 500 = 500,000
`bar M` = 1000 x 1000 = 1 million
The number 4000 thus becomes:
4000 = `Mbar V`
4001 = `Mbar VI`
4002 = `Mbar VII`
4003 = `Mbar VIII`
4004 = `Mbar VIV`