Mammoth Memory

Poco – A little

(Pronounced poh-koh)

Note: Poco is often used in the context of "poco a poco" which means "little by little" - e.g., "Accelerando poco a poco" means "accelerate little by little".

To remember what poco means, use the following mnemonic:

Their Thursday night poker (poco) game was a little treat after a hard week's scavenging.

Their Thursday night poker (poco) game was a little treat after a hard week's scavenging.


Examples of poco in a sentence

As each instrument is introduced to the piece, the sound builds poco a poco until it becomes fully orchestral.

The song slows down poco a poco rather than suddenly changing tempo, then builds back up in the same way, little by little.

Her voice fades poco a poco towards the end of the recording, trailing off into nothingness.