Mammoth Memory

Tempo – Speed, time

(Pronounced tem-poh)

Note: Tempo is the rate of speed of a musical piece indicated by directions (such as largo or allegro) and often by an exact metronome marking.

To remember what tempo means, use the following mnemonic:

He was so naughty he lost his temper (tempo) all the time.

He was so naughty he lost his temper (tempo) all the time.

The tempo is also the speed at which you tap your foot along to the music. Use the following mnemonic to remember this:

You could see she had a temper going. Oh (tempo) this was going to be bad. Mum was at the front door, scowling, folded arms and tapping her foot

You could see she had a temper going. Oh (tempo) this was going to be bad. Mum was at the front door, scowling, folded arms and tapping her foot


Examples of tempo in a sentence

Her version of the song was really up-tempo, moving along at a pleasingly fast pace.

Too many changes of tempo in a song can be unsettling, even wearing, for the listener.

The busker played his song faster and faster, speeding up the tempo to the delight of the crowd.