Mammoth Memory

Karuna – compassion. Sympathy and concern for the suffering of others

(Pronounced ker-roo-naa)

Note: This is a key part of Buddhist ethics.

To remember the meaning of the Buddhist term Karuna, use the following mnemonic:

The kerb was too big and the young kangaroo could not get her Nan (karuna) over it. Someone with concern and compassion stopped and helped them up the kerb.

Note: This is a key part of Buddhist ethics.The kerb was too big and the young kangaroo could not get her Nan (karuna) over it. Someone with concern and compassion stopped and helped them up the kerb.


Showing compassion to everyone is one of Buddhism’s paramount principles.

Buddhists are encouraged to think about how they would feel if it was them suffering, in the belief that this will make them want to free others from suffering.

Compassion (karuna) is one of the Four Sublime States that Buddhists try to develop within themselves.

Compassion (karuna) is one of Buddhism's Four Sublime States.
Compassion (karuna) is one of Buddhism's Four Sublime States.


NOTE: The other Sublime States are loving kindness, sympathetic joy and equanimity. Buddhists believe that practising the Four Sublime States levels social barriers and helps to build harmonious communities.