Mammoth Memory

Open Skills – Skills which ARE affected by their surrounding environment (performers must adapt and may not be in control of what happens next)

(Pronounced oh-pun)

(Note: Open skills are practiced in changing environments)

To remember where an open skill occurs, remember the following mnemonic:

He missed the open (open skills) goal when he was struck by lightning. His skills were affected by the unpredictable environment.

He missed the open (open skills) goal when he was struck by lightning. His skills were affected by the unpredictable environment.

An example of an open skill is golf drive. The player may attempt to adapt to high wind speeds blowing the shot off target, but cannot control a sudden change in wind direction. Environmental stimuli is not limited to only weather, open skills can also be affected by: other players, terrain/playing surface, or situation i.e. the venue or crowd.

An example of an open skill is golf drive.

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