Mammoth Memory

Naming hydrocarbons

We are going to teach you how to reproduce all of this and it’s easy.


Methane CH4

 Methane molecular structure

Ethane C2H6

Ethanes molecular structure is 2 carbon atoms and 6 hydrogens

Propane C3H8

Propanes molecular structure has 3 carbon atoms and 8 hydrogens

Butane C4H10

Butanes molecular structure has 4 carbon atoms and 10 hydrogens



There is no such thing as methene

Because Methene would only have one carbon atom and a double carbon bond, it cannot exist.


Ethene (sometimes called ethylene) C2H4

Ethenes molecular structure has 2 carbon atoms and 4 hydrogens (Methene does not exist as there is only one carbon atom but needs a double carbon bond)

Propene C3H6

Propenes molecular structure has 3 carbon atoms and 6 hydrogens

Butene (sometimes known as butylene) C4H8

Butene molecular structure has 4 carbon atoms and 8 hydrogens


Methanol CH3OH

Methanol molecular structure has 1 carbon atom 1 oxygen atom and 4 hydrogens

Ethanol C2H5OH

Ethanol molecular structure has 2 carbon atom 1 oxygen atom and 6 hydrogens

(Remember ethanol: alcohol and the drunk poodle.)


Propanol C3H7OH

Propanol molecular structure has 3 carbon atom 1 oxygen atom and 8 hydrogens

Butanol C4H9OH

 Butanol molecular structure has 4 carbon atom 1 oxygen atom and 10 hydrogens