The peg method of memory
Sometimes, remembering specific numbers can be difficult. In chemistry, you quite often need numbers in formulae, amongst other things. Hydrocarbons is a great example of this – you could try remembering that there are four carbon atoms, or two, or three, but without help it’s easy to forget!
Enter Mammoth Memory!
1 Bun
2 Shoe
3 Tree
4 Door
Linking a picture to each number will help. For example, the number one is “bun”, so to remember that there is just one of something, you might think of it eating a bun, or inside a bun, or standing or sitting on (and probably squashing) a bun!
Here are the images we’ll be using in our pictures. Why did we pick them? Because all of them rhyme, so they’re easy to remember!
1. Bun
2. Shoe
3. Tree
4. Door