Mammoth Memory

The reaction between magnesium and steam

When magnesium reacts with steam, magnesium oxide and hydrogen gas are produced.

Magnesium + Steam Magnesium oxide + Hydrogen
Mg + H2O MgO + H2


Magnesium introduced to steam by a water soaked cotton bud heated by a Bunsen burner will ignite the metal and ignite the hydrogen given off

When the cotton wool is heated, the water turns to steam; this reacts with the magnesium strip in the tube to produce hydrogen gas. If a lit splint is placed at the end of the tube, the hydrogen gas produced will ignite.

Magnesium will burn with a bright flame

This reaction produces a bright flame from the magnesium strip as it burns in the presence of the steam. It isn’t long before all the magnesium is burnt.

The salt magnesium oxide remains

When the reaction is over there is a white ash left in the tube; this is the magnesium oxide.

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