Mammoth Memory

Multiplying by itself (squaring)


In mathematics, we call multiplying a number by itself squaring the number.


We call the result of squaring a whole number a square or a perfect square.


You should be able to fire out the answers to all squares up to `12times12`


It’s just got to be inbuilt.


































To help you remember these squared numbers try these:


4 x 4 = 16

4X4 is 16 memory aid

This 4x4 is a big machine I’m going to get one when I’m 16.


5 x 5 = 25

5x10 then half the result

Multiply by 10 and half the result.


6 x 6 = 36

6X6 is 36 remember chicks, chicks dirty chicks.

Chicks, chicks, dirty chicks, six times six is thirty six.


7 x 7 = 49

7X7 is 49 mnemonic

Seven times seven commit a crime when they rob the number forty nine.


8 x 8 = 64

8X8 is 64 remember I ate and ate till I was sick on the floor.

I ate (8) and I ate (8) until I was sick (6) on the floor (4) equals sixty four.


9 x 9 = 81

9X9 is 81 remember he stood in line and ate one ton

He stood in line (`9xx9`) and ate one ton (81).


10 x 10 = 100

10X10 so 100 remember to just add 2 zeros at the end

Just put a zero on the end.


11 x 11 = 121

11X11 is 121 remember the players of a soccer team marking opposing team players one to one.

The 11 players of the soccer team were told to mark the opposing 11 players one to one (121).


12 x 12 = 144

12X12 is 144

12 times 12 is 144,

There is no more!

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