Mammoth Memory

Finding a percentage

Example 1

`14` People out of `25` were female. What percentage were female? 

Guide to finding a percentage in a common exam question example 1

Multiply both sides by `x` to get `x` on its own




Multiply both sides by `14` to get `x` on its own



Divide both sides by `25` to get `x` on its own

 `(4\ \ cancel100times14)/(1\ \ cancel25)=(cancel25x)/cancel25` 




Answer: `56%` were female.



Example 2

What percentage of `4200` is `3000`?

Guide to finding a percentage in a common exam question example 2

Multiply both sides by `x` to get `x` on its own (what ever you do to one side you do to the other).



Multiply both sides by `3000` to get `x` on its own




Divide both sides by `4200` to get `x` on its own



`x=(100timescancel30)/cancel42\ \ \ 15/21` 



(Working out on a calculator)



Answer: `3000` is `71.43%` of `4200`


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