Mammoth Memory

Gap in the Market – An opportunity for a new business (or expansion) which may meet a need that is not being met, or a group of customers that are not yet purchasing a particular good/service

To remember what Gap in the Market means use the following mnemonic:

There was a gap in the market (gap in the market) stalls for a new business to meet a demand

There was a gap in the market (gap in the market) stalls for a new business to meet a demand

Note: The only way to make a lot of profit quickly is to sell a brand-new product that no one has thought of. It’s about spotting a gap in the market. Selling a similar product to everyone else that’s been around for 20 years is unlikely to make a lot of profit.

The only way to make a lot of profit quickly is to sell a brand-new product that no one has thought of. It’s about spotting a gap in the market. Selling a similar product to everyone else that’s been around for 20 years is unlikely to make a lot of profit


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