Difficult examples
1. Simplify
The first thing you should attempt is to rationalise the denominator.
So we have rationalised the denominator
But we can go further
But now we can also simplify square roots
Simplify `sqrt8`
Write down what we know
`2=sqrt4,\ \ \ \ 3=sqrt9,\ \ \ \ 4=sqrt16`
`5=sqrt25,\ \ 6=sqrt36,\ \ 7=sqrt49`
Try something we know using `sqrt9`
Is that the same as
Yes it is
Therefore `sqrt(4times2)=sqrt4timessqrt2`
To finish
Answer: `4/sqrt8=sqrt2`
2. Simplify `sqrt(a^3)`
Try something we know using `sqrt9`
We know `sqrt(9^2)` is the same as
i.e. both = 9
Therefore `sqrt(9^3)=sqrt9timessqrt9timessqrt9`
Is the same as
Therefore `=sqrt(a^3)`
Is the same as
Answer: `sqrt(a^3)=asqrta`
3. Rationalise the denominator
Rationalise the denominator = Turn the surd of the denominator into a fraction.
We have rationalised the denominator but we can go further
Answer: `2/{9sqrt5}={2sqrt5}/45`
4. Simplify
Multiply out
`=9-3sqrt2+3sqrt2 -sqrt(2times2)`
`=9-cancel(3sqrt2)+cancel(3sqrt2) -sqrt4`
`= 7`
Answer: = 7
5. Simplify
Multiply out
Answer: `=x^2+2xsqrty+y`
6. Simplify
Multiply out
Answer: `=x^2-y`
7. Simplify
First simplify
Write down what we know
`2=sqrt4,\ \ \ \ 3=sqrt9,\ \ \ \ 4=sqrt16`
`5=sqrt25,\ \ 6=sqrt36,\ \ 7=sqrt49`
The biggest square that divides into 18 is 9.
Therefore `sqrt18 = sqrt(2times9)`
Try something we know using `sqrt9`
Is that the same as
Yes it is
Therefore `sqrt(2times9)=sqrt2timessqrt9`
So now getting back to the original question
Try something we know using `sqrt9`
Is that the same as
Yes it is
Therefore `6sqrt2+3sqrt2`
Answer: `6sqrt2+sqrt18=9sqrt2`
8. Simplify
Try something we know using `sqrt9`
`sqrt9 timessqrt4=3times2=6`
Is that the same as
`sqrt(9 times4)=sqrt36=6`
Yes it is
Therefore `40sqrt15timessqrt10`
So now simplify
Write down what we know
`2=sqrt4,\ \ \ 3=sqrt9,\ \ \ \ \ \ 4=sqrt16`
`5=sqrt25,\ \ 6=sqrt36,\ \ \ 7=sqrt49`
`8=sqrt64,\ \ 9=sqrt81,\ \ 10=sqrt100`
The biggest square that divides into 150 = 25.
Therefore `sqrt150=sqrt(3times25)=sqrt3timessqrt25`
Get back to
This now equals
Therefore `200sqrt3`
Answer: `8sqrt10times5sqrt15=200sqrt3`
9. Simplify
First multiply out the brackets
Working on BIDMAS
Stage 1
Work out `5sqrt6times3sqrt6`
Try something we know using `sqrt9`
Is that the same as
Yes it is
Therefore `5timessqrt6times3timessqrt6`
Stage 2
Work out `-2sqrt3times5sqrt6`
Try something we know using `sqrt9`
Is this the same as
Yes it is
Therefore `-2timessqrt3times5timessqrt6`
But we can simplify
Write down what we know
`2=sqrt4`, `3=sqrt9`, `4=sqrt16`
Therefore `sqrt18=sqrt(9times2)=sqrt9timessqrt2`
Going back
Therfore `-10timessqrt18`
Stage 3
As stage 2
`4times3timessqrt3times sqrt6`
We know from stage 2
Therefore `12timessqrt18=12times3timessqrt2=36sqrt2`
Stage 4
As stage 2
Putting all the stages together:
Answer: `(5sqrt6+4sqrt3)(3sqrt6-2sqrt3)`