Mammoth Memory

Remembering Five Khands

The Five Khands are in order as follows:


1. Action (Righteous Action)

2. Knowledge

3. Effort (Spiritual Endeavour)

4. Grace

5. Truth


To remember the five khands and the order they are in, recall the following story:


I lit the first of five candles (five khands) and off it shot into action, right at us (righteous act) like a firework.

I lit the first of five candles (five khands) and off it shot into action, right at us (righteous act).

I jumped but there was no ledge (knowledge).

I jumped but there was no ledge (knowledge).

I did manage to cling onto the rock with my fingertips but it took great effort (effort).

I did manage to cling onto the rock with my fingertips but it took great effort (effort).

Eventually, i just dropped and fell into a heap on the floor. It wasn't a very graceful (grace) landing.

Eventually, i just dropped and fell into a heap on the floor. It wasn't a very graceful (grace) landing.

When I sat up, I found I had broken a tooth (truth).

When I sat up, I found I had broken a tooth (truth).

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