Mammoth Memory

Abduction – The movement away from the midline of the body

(Pronounced uhb-duhk-shn)

To understand what abduction means, remember the following mnemonic:

During the abduction (abduction), his limbs were moved away from the midline of the body.

During the abduction (abduction), his limbs were moved away from the midline of the body, and his arms started to lift up.

Abduction of the Arm

Abduction occurs at the arm if you lift straight arms from the anatomical position up and out to the sides away from the midline of the body.

Abduction occurs at the arm if you lift straight arms from the anatomical position up and out to the sides away from the midline of the body.

Abduction of the Leg

Abduction occurs at the leg if you lift a straight leg up and out to the sides away from the midline of the body.

Abduction occurs at the leg if you lift a straight leg up and out to the sides away from the midline of the body.

Abduction of the Fingers

Finger abduction occurs when fingers move away from the midline of the body and in this case, as far as the hand is concerned the midline in the centre of the hand. 

Finger abduction occurs when fingers move away from the midline of the body and in this case, as far as the hand is concerned the midline in the centre of the hand.