Mammoth Memory

Adduction – The movement towards the midline of the body

(Pronounced uh-duhk-shn)

To understand what adduction means, use the following mnemonic:

Add to the body by a reduction (adduction) in the angle between body and arm.

Add to the body by a reduction (adduction) in the angle between body and arm.

Adduction of the Arm

If your arms are outstretched to the sides and you bring them down towards your body, this is an arm adduction. It is a reduction in the angle between the arm and the body, and a movement towards the midline of the body.

If your arms are outstretched to the sides and you bring them down towards your body, this is an arm adduction. It is a reduction in the angle between the arm and the body, and a movement towards the midline of the body.

Adduction of the Leg

If you move a leg that is outstretched to the side and you bring it back down to the anatomical position it is leg adduction. It is a reduction in the angle between the leg and body, and a movement towards the midline of the body.

If you move a leg that is outstretched to the side and you bring it back down to the anatomical position it is leg adduction. It is a reduction in the angle between the leg and body, and a movement towards the midline of the body.

Adduction of the Fingers

Finger adduction occurs if your fingers and thumb are in an outstretched position and you bring them together. If there is a movement towards the midline of the hand back to the anatomical position of the hand then this is adduction.

Finger adduction occurs if your fingers and thumb are in an outstretched position and you bring them together. If there is a movement towards the midline of the hand back to the anatomical position of the hand then this is adduction.