Mammoth Memory

Agribusiness – Application of business skills to agriculture

Agribusiness is short for
agriculture business

But also think:

Agriculture by a business person (agribusiness) means they apply their skills to the horse and plough.

Agriculture by a business person (agribusiness) means they apply their skills to the horse and plough.

While agribusiness increases production, it can also cause problems – climate change, deforestation, pollution (chemicals), soil degradation and waste.

While agribusiness increases production, it can also cause problems – climate change, deforestation, pollution (chemicals), soil degradation and waste.


Agribusiness is farming on a large scale with the aim of making big profits.

For instance, in the UK there are large farms in the Fens area of East Anglia which are really several farms that have been bought up by investors to create large, profitable agribusinesses producing huge amounts of grain and other food commodities.

In the USA, agribusinesses producing food commodities including corn, cattle, dairy products, soybeans and eggs are common in a number of states including California, Texas, Iowa, Nebraska and Minnesota.

Today, many smaller farmers struggle to make a living. To help increase their income, some have turned to non-farming related activities such as tourism, offering accommodation, farm tours, fishing, quad-biking and horse-riding.