Mammoth Memory

Aeroponics – Growing plants in an air and mist environment without the use of soil. The water mist is rich in nutrients and minerals

To remember the meaning of the term Aeroponics, use the following mnemonic:

The air was full of the pond water which gave a tonic (aeroponic) to all the plants of minerals and nutrients in solution.

The air was full of the pond water which gave a tonic to all the plants of minerals and nutrients in solution.


Aeroponics is a plant cultivation technique in which the roots hang suspended in the air, while nutrient solution is delivered in the form of mist.

Aeroponics diagram 2

Aeroponics diagram 3

It seems strange to grow plants without their roots being in soil or compost, but that is precisely the case with aeroponics. 

Aeroponic systems nourish plants with nothing more than mist that contains nutrients.

The roots are left to dangle in the air, where they are periodically puffed by misting devices.

Eliminating the growing medium is very "freeing" for plants’ roots. The extra oxygen they get results in faster growth.

Aeroponic systems are also very water-efficient, using up to 95% less irrigation than plants grown in soil.

The eco-friendly reputation of aeroponics is further boosted by the ability to grow large quantities of food in small spaces.

Aeroponic systems are mainly employed in indoor vertical farms, which are usually sited in cities, reducing the environmental costs of getting food from growing site to plate.