Learning the dates of the American Civil War – Method 1
Learning the dates of the American Civil War is easier when you already know the Mammoth Memory Number System. It’s a really old, tried and trusted system, originally developed by scientists in the 1600s!
All you have to remember to recall that the war started in 1861 is:
1. Ignore the 1 at the start, because we know the millennium in which the war took place
2. Remember that:
8 is f
6 is sh
1 is d
NOTE: All vowels are ignored – see Mammoth Memory, Number to a Noun
So the word
Represents 1861 – it’s that easy.
3. Now we must connect “fished” to the American Civil War:
Before the war they FiSHeD (the American Civil War started in 1861).
4. Now we have to remember that the war continued for four years. In Mammoth Memory, Number to a Noun the number four can be represented by:
4 = ROW
Now connect row (an argument or angry disagreement) to the American Civil War:
Then there was a ROW for four years.
Now you can work out that the American Civil War finished in 1865.