Mammoth Memory

Learning the dates of the American Civil War – Method 1

Learning the dates of the American Civil War is easier when you already know the Mammoth Memory Number System. It’s a really old, tried and trusted system, originally developed by scientists in the 1600s!

All you have to remember to recall that the war started in 1861 is:

1. Ignore the 1 at the start, because we know the millennium in which the war took place

2. Remember that:

       8 is f

       6 is sh

       1 is d

NOTE: All vowels are ignored – see Mammoth Memory, Number to a Noun

So the word


Represents 1861 – it’s that easy.


3. Now we must connect “fished” to the American Civil War:

Fished American Civil War

Before the war they FiSHeD (the American Civil War started in 1861).


4. Now we have to remember that the war continued for four years. In Mammoth Memory, Number to a Noun the number four can be represented by:

4 = ROW

Now connect row (an argument or angry disagreement)  to the American Civil War:

Row American Civil War

Then there was a ROW for four years.

Now you can work out that the American Civil War finished in 1865.