How to remember the presidents of the USA
In order to recite all the presidents in order and the date they first became president it will help enormously if you can remember the first 45 numbers, off by heart, of the Memory Techniques, Remembering Numbers section.
The following procedure is recommended:
i/ Decide which number president you want to remember
ii/ Convert the number to a word or phrase (using the Remembering Numbers section)
iii/ Remember the link between that and
- The word or phrase for the name of the president
- The word or phrase for the date they became president (using the Remembering Numbers system)
1st President: George Washington, 1789
To recall the first president:
Convert 1 into a word using our Remembering Numbers system.
1 = tie
Remember the link between that and the word or phrase for the name of the president.
The link is TIE and WASHINGTON
Ties (tie = 1) – we were washing them by the ton (Washington).
Now, to remember the link between the above picture and the date when George Washington was inaugurated, which was 1789:
Convert the number 789 to the phrase “I give up”. Note that we have dropped the initial figure 1000 from the date, as it’s obvious it needs to be there and can easily be put back in later. (I give up converts to 789, using the Remembering Numbers system).
Now we can create a picture that links:
Ties (1), we were washing them by the ton (Washington), but when you saw how many there were you said: “I give up” (789 = 1789).
NOTE: We also connect the president’s first name to the above picture as follows:
Connect Washington to George
I know a great way to get rid of the tons of washing (Washington) – give it to Jaws (George).
NOTE: The way Mammoth Memory remembers George is to think “George = Jaws” (see the Remembering Names section).
Examples follow for all the presidents of the USA.