Mammoth Memory

pilgrimage – a religious journey to sacred place/ holy site, seen as an act of worship and devotion

(Pronounced pil-grim-ihj)

To remember the meaning of the Hindu term Pilgrimage, use the following mnemonic:

She took pills because she was feeling grim but got the dosage (pilgrimage) wrong: the side-effect was that she felt like she was on a journey to a sacred place.

She took pills because she was feeling grim but got the dosage (pilgrimage) wrong: the side-effect was that she felt like she was on a journey to a sacred place.


Like those in many other religions, Hindu pilgrimages are journeys to sites where religious powers, knowledge or experience are thought to be especially accessible.

Pilgrimages became increasingly popular during the 20th century as transport improved. Many Hindu pilgrimage centres hold 'melas', periodic religious fairs, to mark significant astrological moments or important anniversaries. 

The Kumbh Mela is the most famous Hindu pilgrimage – it is the biggest gathering of people on Earth.

Hindu pilgrims bathing in the river Ganges.
Hindu pilgrims bathing in the river Ganges.


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