Mammoth Memory


Symmetric – Identical parts facing each other. The simplest type is a mirror.

A symmetrical reflection in a mirror is the perfect way to describe this part of mathematics

See metal tick (symmetric) with a mirror. (Mirrors always provide a symmetrical view in reflection.)


Example 1


Any line that runs through a circle exactly half way is symmetrical to the other side

A circle is symmetrical through any line that divides it perfectly in half.


Example 2

Any line that runs through a square exactly half way is symmetrical to the other side

A rectangle is symmetrical about a vertical line through the centre, and a horizontal line through the centre.


Example 3

Any line that runs through a square exactly half way is symmetrical to the other side

This triangle is symmetrical about the vertical line passing through its centre.



Example 4

Most aeroplanes are symmetrical if you half it down the middle

This plane shape is symmetrical about the red line that passes through it. 


Example 5

Parallel lines are symmetrical

Lines such as the ones above or those on a graph may also be symmetrical.